Phd. Delaware, USA
Mr. Bukhari is a renowned religious scholar, permanent representative of PCSW & HR at United Nations HQ’s, founder of Raza Foundation UK, Raza Islamia College, Mentor U School System, Chairman Sufi Peace forum International, former Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) of AJ&K and Ex-Chairman, Standing Committee on Parliamentary Rules of Procedure, Government Azad Kashmir. Mr. Bukhari brought a wealth of international exposure, having participated in prominent gatherings including the United Nations session on Human Sustainable Development in 2022. A globe-trotter who has traversed nations, including the USA, UK, EU, UAE, and KSA, forging connections and promoting interfaith peace and unity. An unwavering advocate of the Pegham-e-Pakistan National Narrative, actively rejecting terrorism, extremism, and sectarianism. Committed to social welfare, having established two noteworthy charity organizations – The Raza Foundation and Human Welfare and Development Organization, dedicated to the betterment of communities.He is also a Pioneering educational initiatives aimed at empowering underprivileged children, particularly girls, through institutions such as Mentor Schools system (Islamabad) and Raza Islamia College.Demonstrated humanitarian commitment through instrumental efforts for 2005 earthquake victims and vital support to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, providing health assistance, sustenance, and hygiene supplies. Spearheaded emergency relief initiatives for flood-stricken regions of Pakistan in 2022, overseeing the construction of homes and mosques. The Olkoulub University, Delaware, USA considering the unwavering contribution of Mr. Bukhari for charity and peace awarded him an honorary Phd degree in 2020.
MRes. Applied Biosciences- Environmental Biology from Nottingham Trent University UK
M.Sc.Botany with research on (Ethnobotany)
Sr. Technical Advisor, HW&DO
Mr. Syed. Aftab Hussaiin Bukhari is a renowned Ethnobotanist/ Ecologist, Member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP);Member, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC); Member IUCN Species Survival Commission SSC, Rural Development Foundation of Pakistan RDF, Member steering committee WSSCC. Member SANDEE, Member of community REDD+ and Forest Governance, Core Committee Member of Sphere standard and EMS- ISO 14001 Standard authorizes scientist. Mr. Bukhari conducted many trainings with UN WFP, USAID, British Council, Handicap International, Concern Worldwide, UN Habitant, UNICEF and many Other National and International Organizations.
Mr. Bukhari has over 25 years of experience. As a director at Himalayan Conservation and rural Support Program HCRSP (A company setup under section 42 of the companies ordinance 1984.worked on the Tree Crop adaptation to Climate Change in AJ&K, explore the floral resources of AJ&K and responded to the need of clean drinking water of the local community. Facilitated the Dhok atta wali village with solar energy. Lead a team of 48 staff at HRSP for “Hygiene Promotion interventions in UNICEF supported permanent and shelter Schools in Bagh and Haveli Azad Kashmir” funded by UNICEF and One UN JPE and Ministry of Environment Funded Project on Improved Protected area management through livelihood options and opportunities in Haveli AJK started from Oct.14, 2010 and will completed in April 13, 2012. A three years on sustainable development through community participation in Haveli Azad Kashmir funded by Pakistan Italian Debt for Development swap agreement (PIDSA) Project. Accomplished UN WFP funded project on Emergency food response to rain flood affected 4000 families in two Union Councils of Haveli Azad Kashmir for one month time Completed WAQIPH Project funded by UNICEF/ERRA and successfully completed USAID funded project to HRSP named “Safe Drinking Water and Hygiene Promotion Project” Overall responsible for Livelihood up gradation and restoration project sponsored by UN-WFP to HRSP. Team leader in HRSP running project Social and Economic uplift of people with disabilities in three union councils of Haveli AJK. 10 years of working experience with local communities in research, Community development, mobilization, resource generation, Capacity building, social Surveys, Monitoring evaluation, Linkages development, leading to organizational sustainability. Particularly in Project formulation designing at competitive level, using LFA/M.DMF. Mr. Bukhari designed and implemented projects successfully based on research, development and emergency sectors using research tools and techniques, PRA/RRA VDP/ CDP and Sphere standard. Mr. Bukhari work with time management keeping review and planning before acting and also knowledge about community needs, Donors policies, thematic focus, project/program priorities and geographical focus. Both at team member and leader/ manager level. Experience of working with WFP, WWF, Islamic Relief, Red Crescent, Oxfam, TVO. UNICEF, USAID, HI.
Mr. Bukhari holds MRes. Applied Biosciences – Environmental Biology from Nottingham Trent University UK. Through Chevening Scholarship.2005-06. Conducted one year research project titled: Effect of management on plant species of an ancient Woodland, Bunny Old Wood nature reserve Nottinghamshire east midland United Kingdom and M.Sc.Botany with research on (Ethnobotany) University of Azad Kashmir Pakistan
MBA (BANKING & FINANCE), LL.B (University of Punjab)
Mr. Ali has over 16 years of development sector experience. He has the honor to work with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA), Pakistan Italian Debt Swap Agreement (PIDSA) and Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) within the ambit of consultant legal & technical. Mr. Ali also worked for various NGO’s/INGO’s. He is well acquainted with Project Management Cycle and Disaster Management Cycle. He has extensive experience of designing and implementing MEL frameworks and bilateral and multilateral donors Agreements. He also participated in various workshops regarding project management at UNOPS. At HW&DO he is leading and supporting multi-donor technical assistance programs in different sectors. Mr. Ali drafted various programs/concept papers, policy guidelines, Contracts, Reports, and PC-I/PC-IV of Public Sector Projects. Mr. Ali holds Master degree in Business Administration (Banking & Finance) and law degree from University of Punjab.
Mr. Mir has over four years of experience in the construction sector and graduated from National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST). He possesses substantial expertise in the construction industry gained through involvement in projects under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). He has also collaborated with NRSP (Non-Governmental Organizations) on developmental projects across various regions of Pakistan. At HW&DO, he serves as a Civil Engineer, involved in all aspects from project feasibility assessment to overseeing project completion.
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